The procedure yesterday was amazing - it has made a huge difference. Julie spent the night in the hospital, and since I felt very comfortable with her night nurse, I actually spent the night in my own bed. I drove back to the hospital about 6:30 this morning and we left around 10:45.
Now that the headache has largely been solved, and now that she is more coherent, the pain from the mastectomy and lymph node surgery is much more prevalent. Also, the worst of the nausea has abated - seems like the anti nausea meds are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
We are now at home resting, and working on getting her healthy for the next stage. Here are the next set of activities:
- We meet with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday - hopefully he will take out the drains (please pray for that)
- We meet with the oncologist on the 1st. This is the first time we will review the full pathology report. (Please pray for a good report - no more cancer in any axillary nodes) Since there was cancer in the lymph node, we will not need to do the Oncotype DX test - its chemo for sure.
- We meet with the breast surgeon and the genetic counselor on the 2nd
- We will schedule surgery for the insertion of a port (for administration of chemo cocktails). This will be done outpatient
- Chemotherapy (I find it quite odd that it has therapy in the word - it sure doesn't seem theraputic) won't start for 3-4 weeks. They need her body to be healed
- Type and length of chemo will be determined later
- Don't know if she needs radiation - won't know that until later as well.
Thanks for all the prayers and help!!!
So glad Julie is home and feeling some relief. I pray you have a very restful Sunday.