Sunday, July 17, 2011

No Pain, No Gain?

I have a strong dislike for the gym.

Lets avoid the temptation to retort, "well, that's fairly obvious!" shall we?  Hours of sweating with a bunch of people  cooped up inside - not my idea of a fun workout.  Climbing Pikes Peak?  More my style.  The No Pain, No Gain is an old axiom (one that I personally believe way predates Jane Fonda) and is frequently used at the gym. (I know, I'm never there so how would I know?  I know people who know people.)  

The theory goes - you can only get results if there is a lot of pain involved. Is this true?  Is this part of God's design?

Ever hear of Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy?  Lets just say you don't want it.  Its a category of disease where the body can't feel pain.  For whatever reason, the pain receptors in the body don't work.

Why do we need to feel pain? From a physiological perspective, it protects us. Hot stove.  Burn Hand. Pain. Don't do that again. Got it. We don't mind it when its a protection. But what about emotional pain? What about pain that comes with illness or disease or not doing something intentional to purposely cause pain (like working out)?

God designed us to be perfect - for all the cells in our bodies to work in perfect harmony. For us to live forever. To have no pain. However, when sin came into the world, that perfect system was broken. Entropy was introduced and the mind and the body break down over time. Temporarily. Of course, we will be made physically new in heaven, and spiritually speaking, we are made new when except Christ into our lives.

Its amazing how God uses that which is meant for evil, for good. He uses pain to make us stronger. Julie has been in some pain lately. We're not sure why, but the area where she has cancer has been hurting.  As we were walking today we were discussing pain - both emotional and physical pain that is on the immediate horizon. Again, while not choosing it or not looking forward to it, we are convinced it will make us stronger. 

The enemy, however, wants to pervert God's plan. He battles us along the way and whispers lies to us.  God doesn't love you. You are going to die from this disease. Why hasn't he healed you yet? Why is God making you go through this?  Lies. Lies. Lies. 

Our prayers this week are focused on staying focused on Jesus. His love, his power, his authority. We are praying for a hedge of protection, for the blood of Jesus to wash over us. For angelic protection during surgery and after surgery. For unity. For strength, wisdom and perseverance. That the pain will quickly lead to strength! And most of all, that we will grow closer to Him and each other along the way.

Thank you in advance for all who have been so gracious in providing so much help, and especially thanks for the prayers!

Big week coming up.  Big week.

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