Thursday, August 4, 2011

Retail Therapy

I don't want to be sexist, but what is it about women and "retail therapy"?

20 years ago, I'd never heard of it. 10 years ago, I convinced myself it was a passing phase. Today it scares me and my wallet to death. I know, its really "our" wallet - but I've also  learned the meaning of "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine". Especially growing up with two sisters, and living with 3 women.

For all you men out there who have never heard of it, or don't believe in it, here's the long and short of it. Wife (or daughter, or niece, or sister, or aunt) gets depressed. The solution for said depression is to go shopping. Shopping for what you ask? Doesn't matter. And, don't try to rationalize it with simple minded phrases like "honey, we don't need ______, we already have 16 of them". There is no rational thought here. And, it doesn't matter what kind of shopping. Could be online, at the mall, TV, radio. Doesn't matter.  Also, be aware that here is a Vegas kind of attribute to retail therapy. It could be that a small shopping spree creates joy and said depression leaves. Or, it could be "snake eyes" and it's a large shopping spree. You just never know. 

The dangerous part of all this is that given the stark reality of cancer, I'm happy with any kind of therapy that helps - real or retail. I wish I could afford to actually prescribe retail therapy, but, c'est la vie. 

Julie's retail therapy this week has been shopping for hair. Well, wigs actually. While emotional, it was very good for her to see what the wig will look like. She looks awesome! 

This has been a busy week (I know, they all are).  We've updated you on the doctor's meetings we had on Tuesday. Since then we have some more information:

  • Julie will have the second surgery on Friday the 12th. We will probably get to the hospital late morning and surgery is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm. It will be both insertion of the chemo port and the removal of remainder of the cancer. Please pray that all the cancer is removed and for a quick and easy recovery.  Right now the plan is to do it outpatient and not spend the night, but we don't know for sure.
  • We meet with the general surgeon (who will do the chemo port) on Wednesday the 10th
  • Julie will be doing a PET scan on Tuesday the 16th. My simplistic understanding is that a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan is used to identify where, if any, other cancer might exist within the body.  They inject a radioactive fluid that includes sugar (cancer cells love sugar). The cancer cells absorb the fluid and show up on the scan.
  • We then meet with Dr. Kim (Oncologist) on the 17th to discuss final chemo treatment plan
  • There are lots of other little things (meeting with plastic surgeon twice, doing a echo cardiogram, doing a pre-chemo review, etc.) over the next few weeks.
One other huge thing - Julie drove for the first time today.  While painful, she did well, and that will give her a bit more mobility.

More updates coming soon.  I gotta run and buy something. Anything. 

1 comment:

  1. Blessings on you for providing just the right therapy Julie needs. Retail therapy is a wonderful thing, and you did a fine job of describing it to all the men out there. :-)Praying your family has a restful and tender weekend together.
