Sunday, August 14, 2011


Another guest post from Julie

It is a beautiful Colorado morning!  How many times do I say that?  Too many?  I don't think that is possible.  I love our mornings here.  My usual routine is to sit outside and eat breakfast while watching the birds and squirrels have their breakfast.   There is usually quite a crowd with me as we feast on our nuts and seeds together.

I love gardens.  Manicured, but not too fussy.  Lots of colors and lots of textures.  Lots of activity.  (side note: I don't like to actually do the work in the garden, I just like the results)  This morning, I was sitting there and looking at the sunflowers that have appeared as a result of dropped birdseed.  These sunflowers were not part of the original landscape plan - they just appeared.   And these sunflowers are not "tidy".  They are droopy, have lots of bugs, and they are doing their best to overshadow the beautiful, and much smaller, rose bush that they are next to.   A while ago, Steve asked me I wanted him to cut the sunflowers down. No thanks, let's watch them grow and then feed the seeds to the birds.  

The sunflowers have become a metaphor for my summer.  They were not part of the carefully executed origninal plan.  They don't seem to fit in.  But they are beautiful in their own right.  The actual flowers are all facing their heads towards the morning sun - catching every bit of the Colorado morning as possible.  The color of the flowers is such a brilliant yellow and the leaves are a deep green.   They are nourishing an entire bee population and will later feed many birds in the fall.  Wild and messy as they are, they are serving a purpose.  

While I prefer my garden, and my life, to be planned and tidy, it doesn't always work that way.   I am learning to embrace the unexpected a little more. To find the beauty in the mess.  To see the purpose in the unplanned.   To love the sunflowers in my life.  

1 comment:

  1. What a great analogy and word picture! Thanks Julie, that was timely ...
