Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Proud Husband

I know we are not supposed to be proud, but I just can't help it. I am so proud of Julie.

Proud of how well she is managing this process.  True to her character, she is doing absolutely everything she can to manage her treatment, her side effects, her mood, her approach, her parenting, her wife-ing. And, she is doing an amazing job.

She could be sitting around, sleeping, moaning, grousing, poor-me-ing. She's not.

She is studying, learning, trying, working, and yes a lot of resting and healing.  Here are a few of the things she is doing:

  • She is staying spiritually strong by being in the Word, listening to praise and worship music, praying blessings over herself, doing spiritual restoration through splankna, praying with me, reading scripture aloud. 
  • She is staying physically as strong as she can, she is going to physical therapy, to the chiropractor, to the acupuncturist (which, by the way has had her 2 days in a row with no pain or nausea meds - unbelievable). She is also trying to get some physical exercise with her walks.
  • She is staying engaged with everyday life - helping the girls and I, doing a few chores where she can.  She is researching treatment, healing, foods she should be eating, studying how to reduce risk of recurrence through lifestyle. 
In short - she is amazing!  Thank you for the prayers and support - keep them coming!

Here is a note from Julie:

Hi all!
Thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers and for sending sweet notes on FB and through my email.  I love hearing from you and knowing that you haven't forgotten about me.  It's hard to really sit on the sidelines and watch life go by, but that is where I am right now.  Although it may not look like I am doing anything, but I am actually pretty busy with  healing.  Busy has a new look!
I am spending as much time as possible in prayer.  My mind is not as sharp as it once was ( and will be again) so my prayers are not long or eloquent.  But they are from my heart and I know that God hears the simple prayers along with the more formal or thought out ones.  Sometimes I read the same Psalms over and over again.  I can't seem to move on from Psalm 103 and Psalm 63. When I get really crazy I move over to 2 Corinthians and hang out there for awhile.  Wild times, my friends, wild times!
Healing from chemo takes an enormous amount of energy. I am always tired.  I often have headaches and can't read or type.  This is very sad for me since I love to read and write.  But, I can almost always sleep, and for some strange reason, I can still find solace in retail therapy.  I know, I know, I promised to find another hobby, but I am just looking and not actually purchasing anything.  I am also going to physical therapy to regain my range of motion (limited from the mastectomy) and seeing my wonderful chiropractors, an acupuncturist, a counselor (therapist might be the right word here) and exercising everyday.  Exercise has a new look also!  I will never again make fun of the pink and green 2 and 3 pound weights.  I have been humbled.  Greatly humbled. 
My camera is here and it takes beautiful pictures. I haven't actually turned it on yet - but Steven has the whole thing figured out and is ready to teach me as soon as my brain kicks in.  I am so grateful when he can step in and pick up my pieces or figure things out for me.  As I mentioned, I am in such a quiet place inside that not much is getting done on the outside.  Steven has been very patient with me and knows that I am doing my best. We also have had so many delicious meals delivered and we are beyond grateful for that provision in our lives.  While I can exist on oatmeal and melted cheese on pretzel thins, my family cannot.  So, life goes on and meals are enjoyed and pictures are taken while I rest and pray.  
When a friend tells me that they are praying, I always send a prayer for extra blessings for that person. I know that praying for a friend, or a stranger, can be a sacrifice and I ask the Lord to bless that sacrifice and expand His Kingdom. So, please know that every bit of love and encouragement you send to me is treasured, and every prayer you pray is multiplied.  I will write when I can.  When I can't, remember how precious you all are.  Love to each of you.


  1. So awesome to see how God is your portion every single day. He is your strength and it is so evident in the way you're living out this journey. Praying for many good days.

  2. So beautiful inside and out!!! (I was talking about Julie)....oh ok Steve clearly you are being an awesome rock for her :) Love to you both and holding you in prayers!
