Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life Lessons From the Dentist

This Post is from Julie.......

My girls went to the dentist today.  They both got clean bills of health.  The questions they get asked in the dentist's office are always the same:   how many times a day do you brush?  floss?  do you drink soda?  drink milk or take calcium...? 
And so far, the girls have always had the "right" answers and escaped without a hitch.  

On the drive home, I always launch into my same speech about the benefits of taking care of our bodies and aren't you glad you that you are such good little brushers??  ( something along those lines anyway).  Today, however, I stopped myself. 
I congratulated them on another "easy" visit.  As I was starting in on my speech, I thougth about the many kids I know that take realy good care of their teeth and still have multiple fillings.  I thought about all of the kids that don't own Sonicares and have parents that nag them to use them.  All of the kids who work really really hard at something and still have it be a struggle.  Now, I still believe strongly in brushing and flossing and doing all we can do to take care of ourselves.  But sometimes it isn't enough. 

Can you relate?  You put everything you have into a job that is draining the life out of you?  Or a relationship that you have invested everything in, only to not have it work out?  Or a wayward child that you have poured your heart and soul into and flooded the gates of heaven with your prayers, only to have your prodigal continue to rebel?  

I have been watching so many families go through hard times.  Times that seem to come out of nowhere.  Difficulities that seem totally unfair.  Famillies that "brush and floss" regularly and still have multiple cavaties.  I wonder how cancer could have the nerve to invade this body that I have take such good care of.  C'mon -  organic, local, good vitamins, exercise... the whole deal.  And I get cancer???   This does not make sense at all.  

But, none of it makes "sense".  None of us have asked for the afflictions we are handed.  But, I do know that we have all been given the grace and strength to deal with it.   That there is a purpose for everything.  That God can redeem any circumstance and turn it around for good.  And that we are told to praise Him through it all.  And so, I do.  Praise Him. Trust Him to turn this around and bring beauty from ashes.  And simply have faith that He will do what He says he will in His word.  

Does this mean I am abandoning my exercise and organic foods?  Or stop nagging my girls to actually turn the Sonicare on - it works much better that way.  No way.  We should do all that is in our power to do.  However, I am learning that the real power lies in God's hands.  And  I am grateful for that.  He runs the world much better than I ever could.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua 1:9
    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
