Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grammar Lesson

This morning, I was "not" helping Hannah with her homework.  The homework, I come to find out, is to determine what she remembers from last year - so I wasn't supposed to help her. Can you picture yourself with your kid in this discussion:

"Dad! I don't understand my Spanish homework."  Great, I haven't studied Spanish since 1983 and I'm  just a wee bit rusty on my verb conjugation. But, I'm willing to take a crack at it. Of course, I get to a verb that I can't remember the "vosotros" (plural form of you familiar) form of the verb. So, when I tell her, "look it up on the Internet," she says, "I can't. We are not allowed to look anything up." "Why not?" I innocently ask.  "Because - we can't get help.  It's homework to see what we remember."

"Well then, why did you ask me to help you?" "Because I don't understand it!"  "Well, the whole point of the homework is to figure out what you don't know, so your teacher can know what to teach you in the class." Strange, vacant look. "But Daaaaaad! It has to be done!"

I'll save you from the 15 minute back and forth and back and forth. Lets just say in the end, I won. Eventually she got cracking and was able to make progress. Near the bottom of the worksheet, she had to use the verb to dance (Bailar) using all the different forms - me, you familiar, you formal, we, them, etc. Except, that she kept missing the tense of the verb.  "Honey,  you can't say "we danced last Friday using the present tense of the verb."  "But Dad, I haven't learned the past tense of verbs yet." ....more thrashing...more banging of my head....pulse quickens...deep breath.

Joshua 1:9 says "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do no be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go."

I love this verse, but I frequently forget the first 5 words.  Have. I. Not. Commanded. You. As I was reflecting, and praying for forgiveness for losing my temper with my "almost" perfect 12-year old, this verse came to mind. Note the tense of the verb "command". It's past tense. And, it's phrased in a question - it almost feels like it says "Remember? I am commanding you, again..."

This idea of "have no fear" is not a suggestion. It's not a request. The idea of "don't be discouraged" is not a suggestion and it's not a request. They are imperatives. All of them (be strong, be courageous, don't be afraid, don't be discouraged). They are commands. He says, unequivocally,  "I am with you. And because I am with you, you are not to be afraid."

Easier said than done.

Jesus spoke of this idea of "help" when he told us about the power of God that is within us. When his disciples were amazed at all his miracles, He told them " will do even greater things that this" (John 14:12).

As I was praying over Julie today, this verse, along with some great insight and encouragement from my sister came to the forefront of my mind. For those who have Christ in the lives - the power of God lives in us. The power of God that spoke the universe into existence, created every living creature, and raised Jesus from the dead lives in us. That is a lot of power. And with that power, we can indeed "have no fear".

On tap for this week:

  • Echocardiogram tomorrow
  • Post op meeting with breast surgeon on Thursday
  • A "welcome to chemotherapy" class on Friday
  • Katy, Julie's mom and Luther, are coming this Friday (yeah!)
  • Sarah has her performance in "Celebration", a musical at school where she has the lead on Friday and Saturday night
Prayer requests:
  • That we can harness the power of God that is within us to do what the Word commands us to do.
  • That we live with a spirit of worship and gratitude every day
  • For God's favor at work
  • For the emotional wherewithal to process and absorb all we need to at the "Chemo 101 class"
  • For God's favor on the girls in school and specifically with Sarah and her performance
  • For gratitude to the many people who have prayed, visited, sent well wishes, cooked, cleaned and did yard work over the past 6 weeks.  We are so thankful for you!

We have 18 people signed up for the Race For The Cure! Don't forget to sign up if you'd like to join us (even if its "sleeping in for the cure") : Oh The Places You Go Team Signup. 

Blessings to all

1 comment:

  1. Muy bien, Steve. Orare por ti y su esposa.

    Que el Senor los bendigas.
